Boathouse Construction Progress
August 2023
Things are happening fast! The contractor has installed the SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) for the second floor, set the majority of the structural steel and has framed the exterior walls. The building is taking shape!
July 2023
The concrete foundation and vertical walls are complete, and we are ready to start wood framing and structural steel.
April 2023
The contractor has completed the dewatering system to allow for work below the lake level. Installation of 24 steel piles for the sheet pile shoring wall is complete and installation of 34 auger-cast piles for the foundation is complete. Utility relocation and installation is nearly complete, and formwork of the foundation is underway!
November 2022
Demolition complete! The contractor is currently removing portions of the old Aquatheater foundation and installing the new pump station for the boathouse and public bathrooms.
September 24, 2022
Groundbreaking party — details to come! Sign up for our newsletter for the latest.
Mid-September 2022
Construction slated to begin on the new Green Lake Community Boathouse. The Green Lake Inner Loop will be modified to go around the construction site, which will encompass the parking lot. Staff will work out of trailers. Additional storage will be brought in to accommodate displaced canoe and kayak equipment.
Campaign Progress
August 2023
With construction moving rapidly, we still need to raise about $80K to completely outfit the building with new boat racks, lockers and appliances and need your help! We currently have about $80K to go – so if you would like to help us get to the finish line, please consider donating. Pavers are currently 50% off through the month of August so please act soon!
January 2023
With construction underway, we are now focused on funding the docks and outfitting the building. We currently have about $150K to go – so if you would like to help us get to the finish line, please consider donating or buying a paver.
August 2022
A contract is awarded by the City and plans are made to begin construction in September 2022! We welcome the disruptions to come with our usual Green Lake can-do spirit as we prepare to accommodate a construction site around which we will run our programs for a year.
May 2022
After a long and winding process through the city’s permitting offices, the project goes out to bid again.
September 2021
Revised plans are re-submitted to the City. We expect to rebid the project in October in time to award a construction contract by the end of the year.
August 2021
We secure additional funding commitments from the City, County, and State, and the board unanimously approves a motion to move forward. We still anticipate a funding gap and pivot all our fundraising efforts to the boathouse project.
January 2021
The project is bid out for construction. Driven by COVID-related cost increases, the bids we receive are $1.5 million over our budget, and we cannot award a contract. The boat has flipped and we are in the water. We pull ourselves back in and rejoin the race. Plans are assessed for potential cost savings, and the fundraising team works behind the scenes to secure more funding for the project.
August 2020
The city spends several days laying a new water line to serve the facility. The campaign works with the city to stay on track through the bidding process in anticipation of groundbreaking before the end of the year.
March 2020
COVID-19 causes the closure of all of our programs at the Small Craft Center. Although fundraising takes a brief hiatus, plans for permitting and construction continue.
February 2020
The campaign hits the $6,300,000 mark.
December 2019
The Juniper Foundation awards us our biggest gift to date, a matching grant of $250,000 that puts us into the sprint for the finish line. All donations are now matched through the end of the campaign.
November 2019
A late fall online fundraising push brings us near the $6 million mark
October 2019
King County Councilmember Jeanne Kohl-Welles secures another $50,000 in funding from the county
August 2019
The campaign goes public, beginning our community outreach phase
July 2019
Private donations stand at $1.6 million, with a campaign total of $5.8 million raised toward our $6.5 million goal
June 2019
We are awarded two state grants from the Recreation and Conservation Office for a combined total of $951,000
Plans are 60% finalized and are sent out for permitting
January 2019
We pass the $1 million mark in private donations from individuals and foundations
November 2018
We are awarded $2.925 million from the Parks Department’s Major Projects Challenge Fund
Green Lake Crew celebrates its 70th anniversary
Summer 2018
Leaders of the Green Lake Rowing Advisory Council and Campaign Committee step up with early gifts
May 2018
Private fundraising campaign begins
January 2018
We are awarded a King County Parks grant of $100,000
November 2017
We are awarded a Department of Neighborhoods grant of $100,000 which gets our fundraising campaign off the ground
Schacht Aslani Architects are chosen to design the new building
Seed money is raised for design planning of the project and starting the campaign