Rowing Advisory Council

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The Rowing Advisory Council (RAC), a subsidiary of the Associated Recreation Council, is the advisory body of Green Lake Crew. This is where decisions are made regarding budgeting, equipment purchases, fundraising, home and away regattas, DEI programs, and more. The RAC meets at the boathouse on the third Wednesday of each month, with a few exceptions. Meetings are open to all. Come see if the RAC is of interest to you.

RAC Members

President: Christina White
Vice President: Colleen LaMotte
Treasurer: Nathan Engman
Secretary: Amy Morris

Wendy Caldwell
Jonathan Hartung
Erika Hermanson
Sean MacCorkle
Mike Stanley
Riley Link
Kenneth Tseng
Griff Overturf
Hilary Patrick
Jennifer Breedlove
Lorna Luebbe
Jillian O’Connor
Stephanie Jordan
Emily Stoll
Bibianna Cha

Ex-officio members:
Jason Coffman, Recreation Program Coordinator

Tami Oki, Recreation Specialist

Haley Yeager, Rowing Supervisor

Mike Plympton, Aquatic Unit Manager

Standing Committees

Chair: Christina White

Board Development & Nomination
Chair: Colleen LaMotte

Budget & Finance
Chair: Nathan Engman

Chair: Amy Morris

Chair: Christina White
Chair: Jen Breedlove

Chair: Jillian O’Connor

Chair: Sean MacCorkle

Home Regattas
Chair: Jennifer Breedlove
Chair: Colleen LaMotte

Away Regattas
Chair: Hilary Patrick

Chair: Wendy Caldwell
Chair: Anne Martin

Chair: Mike Stanley

History & Archives
Chair: Sean MacCorkle

Get Involved

Do you have some time to volunteer and want to get to know GLC a little better? We are always looking for people to join us, especially parents! You can serve on a committee, join the board at the associate member level, or join as a full board member. If you want more of a one-time volunteer experience, we always need help at regattas and events. Read more about our volunteer opportunities here. Get in touch and we’ll find a place for your time and talents! Or join us for a board or committee meeting any time, they are open to the public. We meet on the third Wednesdays of the month from 7-8PM, and currently meetings are held remotely via Zoom. If you have any questions or would like to contact the RAC, please use the form below.